TUI offered an open brief to Collective to introduce the Thomson Scene product, a flexible way to book holidays; and drive awareness of the Scene brand.
Our design studio devised a custom built High Impact Takeover Unit (HIT) to help showcase Scene and encourage user interaction within the creative, with a bespoke quiz to generate engagement, and lead to site visits. The answers defined the type of holiday, hotel and location the individual would like; leading the user to a bespoke hub of hotel options.

A very strong click through rate of almost 10%, delivered almost 100k, clicks to site on the Thomson Scene website to book their holiday.
Sarah Allen, Marketing Manager, TUI
“Collective are important digital brand partners for TUI, and a pleasure to work with. We find that by starting this process during the planning stage, before booking the campaign and engage with their creative studio we are able to develop bespoke creative solutions mock ups ahead of sign off, ensuring we get the best creative within the tight deadlines that we work to. After the campaign goes live their account management and ops team give us regular and detailed feedback on performance, and this has all contributed toward some outstanding campaign results.”